Termite Control Johannesburg

Termites Pest Control.

Without Termite Control Johannesburg, Does termite damage worry you? If so, you are not alone. Every year termites cause billions of dollars in structural damage, and property owners spend over two billion dollars to treat them. This fact sheet focuses on how you, as a consumer, can identify and help protect your property from termites through effective prevention measures and appropriate use of termite treatments. The first step in prevention is to be on the alert for termites. Termites rarely emerge from soil, mud tubes, or food sources through which they are tunneling. Most people are not aware they have termites until they see a swarm or come across damage during construction. During construction, use a concrete foundation and leave a ventilation space between the soil and wood. Cover exposed wood surfaces with a sealant or metal barrier.

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    Maintain the Termite Prevention Features


    • After construction, keep the soil around the foundation dry through proper grading and drainage (including maintenance of gutters and downspouts).
    • Reduce openings that offer termites access to the structure (filling cracks in cement foundations as well as around where utilities pass through the wall with cement, grout, or caulk).
    • Fix leaks immediately.
    • Keep vents free from blockage, including plants.
    • Ensure that trees and shrubs are not planted too close to the structure and do not allow them to grow against exposed wood surfaces.
    • Do not pile or store firewood or wood debris next to the house.
    • Inspect periodically to help ensure that termite colonies do not become established.

    What are the Different Types of Termite Treatments? Non-Chemical Treatments

    Some ways to keep termites out do not involve the application of insecticides. For example:

    • One such method is a physical barrier, typically incorporated during construction.
    • Steel mesh and sands of particular sizes have been shown to perform effectively as physical barriers.
    • Biological control agents (nematodes and fungi) have demonstrated some success, particularly in laboratory settings.

    Because these methods do not involve the application of an insecticide, EPA does not regulate them.

    Before a company can sell or distribute any pesticide in the United States, other than certain minimum risk pesticides, EPA must review studies on the pesticide to determine that it will not pose unreasonable risks to human health or the environment. Once we have made that determination, we will license or register that pesticide for use in strict accordance with label directions. The pesticides used for the prevention or treatment of termite infestations are called termiticides and must demonstrate the ability to provide structural protection before we register them. In most cases, termiticide application can only be properly performed by a trained pest management professional.

    Approved treatments include:

    • Liquid soil-applied termiticides.
    • Termite baits.
    • Building materials impregnated with termiticides.
    • Wood treatments.

    Two common forms of treatment are conventional barrier treatments and termite baits.

    Conventional Barrier Treatments

    The most common technique for treating termite infestations is the soil-applied barrier treatment. Termiticides used for barrier treatments must be specifically labeled for that use.

    If conducted improperly, these treatments can cause contamination of the home and surrounding drinking water wells and will not protect against termites. For that reason, it is important to hire a pest management professional who is licensed and trained to take proper precautions.

    011 Pest Control is recognized in the industry for pest control and termite control services. Initially, this enterprise was solely into providing pest control services but subsequently, it started offering all-encompassing facility management services to organizations. Since its inception, it has set global standards in pest control and termites control services. Striving towards service excellence, this organization ensures the enforcement of guidelines that strictly adhere to all rules, regulations, and licensing controls. The quality and timely services have helped them garner a staggering base of retail as well as corporate clients.

    Are Pesticides Used Against Termites Safe?

    As the federal agency responsible for regulating all pesticides, including termiticides, sold, applied, or distributed in the United States, EPA must ensure that the pesticide, when used according to label directions, meets current safety standards to protect human health and the environment. To make such determinations, we require more than 100 different scientific studies and tests from applicants. Most states also review the pesticide label to ensure that it complies with federal labeling requirements and any additional state restrictions of use.

    Many termiticides are highly toxic, making it critical to follow label directions with added care. Pest management professionals have the knowledge, expertise, and equipment as required by the label, which minimizes risks and maximizes effectiveness.

    How do I Handle a Termite Infestation?

    • Choose a pest control company carefully – Firms offering termite services must be licensed by your state. Ask to see the company’s license and, if you have any concerns.
    • Read the pesticide product label – The label tells you exactly how the product is to be used and provides information on potential risks. If the label does not include directions to control termites and protect the structure, then the product is not intended to protect the structure against termites and should not be applied. If you wish to see a copy of the product label, ask the company representative for a copy. 
    • Be aware of how soon you can return to the treated residence – The time required before the residence can be reoccupied will vary by product and will be indicated on product labels. Make sure the applicator has told you when you are allowed to reenter the building.
    • 011 Pest Control provides information and tools to federal, state, local agencies, and the public on termite control.
      • Our rigorous pesticide review process is designed to ensure that registered termiticides used according to label directions and precautions can effectively treat termite infestations with minimal risk.
      • We serve as a source of information about pesticide and non-pesticide controls to the general public, news media, and state and local agencies.
      • We encourage termite prevention efforts.
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