pest control companies in mamelodi

Pest Control Mamelodi & Fumigation Services Mamelodi

We at Pest Control Mamelodi, Pretoria  & Fumigation Services Mamelodi, With a professional’s help and diligent cleaning, you will be cockroach-free in no time!  Our skilled and experienced pest control technicians have been at the job for years and have dealt with small and large cockroach infestations.   It’s a nasty job but we take care that every last cockroach and its eggs are exterminated for good.

Pest Control in Mamelodi

Cockroaches are hardy insects that love to breed. If you have 1000 cockroaches in your premises and you don’t do anything about it – in 6 months time this amount will have multiplied by 10 – ie 10000. Here is how to recognise them and some tips on how to get rid of cockroaches!

Cockroaches are the bane of restaurant or facility health and safety since they will show up pretty much everywhere there is a bit of warmth and some scraps to eat. Cockroaches are just one order of insects that eat dead things. They have very powerful antennae that point them in the direction of decomposing matter. They enjoy rotting vegetation, carcasses, and scraps they might find around your kitchen or home. Yet, cockroaches are one of the most significant pest control issues in Mamelodi, Pretoria.

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Pest Control Services Mamelodi

fumigation services Mamelodi


Apart from skin rash possibly allergic reactions, bed bugs are not known to be dangerous.


Bed bugs leave big red blotches on your skin and this is the first sign that you could have them.  Following this, look for red or brown spots in the mattress. You can check for Bed Bugs in cracks or crevices in and around the bed, the mattress, under the bed, skirting, and bedside tables.

Should I throw my bedding out?

This is not always necessary. Bedding, including blankets and mattresses, can be very costly. While bedbugs wouldn’t necessarily be able to get inside your bedding (they are after all the size of ants approximately).   However, their eggs can be nestled on your bedding and this would at least give you cause to thoroughly clean them at the highest possible temperatures.

Fumigation Services Mamelodi

fumigation in Mamelodi

There are a variety of methods that you can use to deal with an infestation of bed bugs, however to be sure that they are eradicated, it is best to call a professional as they will have all the most efficient bed bug treatments to completely get rid of your problem. Sometimes it can be difficult to know if you actually have a bed bug problem. You might be getting bites, but unsure where they are coming from.

If you can spot one, or if you know for sure that you have a problem, then at least you can organise getting some bed bug treatment, and end the nightmare as soon as possible!

Cockroaches can lay a case of up to 40 eggs each. They grow from being a baby cockroach to adult – there are no other stages involved. They hide wherever they can – preferably in a warm place. A very common place would be behind a fridge because it can be nice and warm there. Cockroaches normally won’t come out until night time so you during the day you’d seldom see them. Cockroaches can be as big as just a few millimetres to approximately 2 centimetres.


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These common household pests also need a bit of warmth to remain active. You find them outdoors, in sheds and garages, as well as in homes or businesses. They are fast runners and can fly if startled. The Cockroach evolution changed little over the past 320 million years. These creepy and disgusting insects thrive by consuming dead things. They are one of the most progressively disturbing house guests and pests around the world. Cockroaches can infest even the cleanest house and can live for one month without eating.

Why You Should Choose Us



Pest Control Company Mamelodi, Pretoria

With some pests you can have a pretty good go at getting rid of them yourself, getting a professional in just to make sure that whatever infestation you have is totally gone. The only cockroach treatment that is going to have a chance against them is going to come at the hand of a professional pest controllerCockroaches are just too good at hiding and too good at multiplying for amateurs to have a chance.

Cockroaches will survive almost anywhere, they are very adaptable insects and adapt to whatever climate they are in; most other insects would not survive. They carry bacteria and can cause diarrhea, dysentery, and food poisoning. Mamelodi pest control services can eradicate cockroaches with our insecticides and pesticides, our trained staff can advise you on what to do about prevention. Although other signs of an infestation include smear marks or droppings, cast skins, egg cases, an almond-like smell, or dead insects, cockroaches are very visible at night time. Turn the light on suddenly and you will probably see them scurry to a dark hiding place. They look scary, they are dangerous, and they’re tough to get rid of. But don’t panic!


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